Saturday 11 August 2012

Daredevil #181

Bullseye is in jail because Daredevil defeated him last time they fought. Bullseye is getting lots of very painful headaches and he needs pills to calm his headaches down. Bullseye is put in a private gym to workout because he is to dangerous to be around other prisoners. He is constantly working out trying to get better so he can kill the man without fear(Daredevil). While he is working out he gets another very painful headache he needs the guards to give him the pills and they do. After that he has time to go outside in the prison courtyard,just to get some sunlight and air. All the prisoners know who he is. They don't hang out around him except for one man. And that one man is the Punisher. Bullseye and the Punisher are aware of each other because they both work for the kingpin. The Punisher has been in jail for only 3 days. The Punisher explanes how the kingpin has a new assassin in place for Bullseye. Bullseye is frustrated that the kingpin wouldn't bail him out.

The prison brings in a doctor to try to help Bullseye with his headaches. He fakes he has one and the guard gives him a pill but he spits it out right in his eye. Grabs his gun and escapes while hundreds of guards are trying to stop him they call a copter but Bullseye just highjacks it and escapes with ease. He wants to show the kingpin that he should have never of hired that other assassin. He finds out who it is. It's Elektra. Bullseye and Elektra encounter each other and she has the upper hand at the beginning but  Bullseye gets one shot to kill her and he does. He sicks her knife right in her heart making her die slowly. Somehow she gets up and goes to Matt Murdock's(DD) house and he takes her to a hospital and they tell him that she has a hole in her heart.She's died.  Bullseye is undercover at the hospital to try to kill Matt because he thinks Matt is Daredevil!  Bullseye attempts to throw a knife at his head but Matt lifts his walking stick/billy club and blocks it.  Bullseye flees he tells the kingpin that he thinks Matt is Daredevil. The kingpin doesn't believe him.

 Bullseye goes to Matt's office at night with a gun and Matt is sitting at his table with his back turned to  Bullseye. Matt doesn't notice Bullseye because he is very focused on a case Bullseye points the gun to his head and, Daredevil tackles him from behind. The person at the desk was a dummy that looked like Matt. But Bullseye doesn't know that it was a dummy he thinks that Daredevil and Matt are different people know.  Bullseye decides to take the fight outside so he jumps on a ledge outside the window and gets to the roof. DD is following him. DD and Bullseye grab each other and Bullseye pushes DD off the roof. But he lands and keeps his balance on a phone wire. Bullseye jumps after him and loses his balance. DD grabs his arms saving him from falling. But Bullseye tries to stab his arm. DD lets go of  Bullseye and he hits the ground from 30 feet high breaking every bone in his body.

I give this comic a 9.5 out of 10 because of it's amazing battle scenes and the great great great story lines that I have ever read. 

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